Anasayfa main-slider-img-1Prof. Dr .Mehmet KARABULUTRobotik ve Laporoskopik Cerrahisiİletişimmain-slider-img-1 – copyProf. Dr. Mehmet KARABULUTGenel Cerrah ve Kolorektal Kanser Cerrahisi UzmanıHAKKIMDA Uzmanlıklarım Gastrointestinal CancersEsophagus, stomach, colon and rectum Benign Anorectal DiseasesHemorrhoids, anal fistula, anal fissure, rectocele Bariatric SurgeryObesity Surgery EndoscopyGastroscopy, Colonoscopy Reflüx Surgery ERCPEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography EUSEndoscopic Ultrasonography Prof. Dr. Mehmet KARABULUT Robotic Surgery Specialist Ataköy MEDICANA, General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karabulut, discusses the Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Colon (Intestinal) Cancer, Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Stomach Cancer, and the Advantages of Robotic Surgery in surgeries Communication